Friday, December 16, 2011

Software Use in My Classroom

Currently, I use my computer quite a bit during the typical school day. First thing in the morning, I log in and check my school email. I pull up our school gradebook, which also houses student demographic data to contact parents, discipline files, and attendance. I have many documents in Word, as well as several presentations in PowerPoint.  I have student databases in Excel that we use to track grades for improvement. Besides those programs that are installed on the computer, I use Acuity for practice tests, as well as numerous internet sites for games, review, and viewing (some examples would be Quizlet and Scholastic). I also use my InFocus projector with the Mimio quite often.

I would like to find ways to use technology more for reading and projects. I will have students go to the computer lab for different activities, but I would like to incorporate more technology-based projects. With so much focus on Acuity and ISTEP scores, I need to incorporate more standards review-type activities. However, I want those review activities to be somewhat enjoyable for the students. (I know they won't like all the activities, but I am hoping they could like some of them.) So my plan is to try to get my students into the computer at least once every two weeks. Originally, I was thinking once a week, but our computer labs are hard to schedule due to limited number of labs. I have already spoken with the instructional assistant in charge of scheduling the lab, and my students have spent the last two days in the lab working on semester exam review games, so I think I am off to a good start.

I think using technology to teach students is so important. They get excited about the learning games, and I love to watch them compete with each other to find an answer. Our students are in a "gaming" society, and using interactive games is something they are familiar with, and they enjoy them too! Using those interactive games to teach them concepts and skills just makes sense. It's a win-win situation if you ask me!

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