Friday, December 2, 2011

Technology in My Classroom

The International Society for Technology in Education has developed a list of standards for teachers to use as a reference point in what we need to include when incorporating technology in our classrooms and curriculum. These standards, or NETS, are what we as teachers need to use to advance our students in their knowledge, understanding, and use of technology. When I look at the NETS standards for myself, I can see that I am not using many technology tools that I could be using. I do use technology for every-day activities, such as my gradebook and email, and I will often use the Mimio with my Infocus projector to show and work through different activities and websites on the board. I do think, though, that I could use more activities on a regular basis. I should collaborate more with my students about the resources; they could teach me! I should also spend more time discussing the safety and accuracy of information on the internet. I do touch on this some with our research projects, but I don't think the students fully grasp that idea that not everything on the internet is true, and once something is posted in cyber-world, it's available for everyone to see.

There are some barriers to technology use at my school. My corporation is in a lower socio-economic area, and I think the biggest barrier we have is funding (or lack thereof). In the school of approximately 900, we have three computer labs, but only one is available every period. We do have a few laptop carts, but you must be in a math or science classroom to use it, as those rooms are wired for their use. This past year, our corporation has spent a lot of money upgrading and improving our facilities and technologies, but I do think we are still behind the curve.  My students are surrounded by technology at every turn, and I think the technology at their school should be up to speed in order to provide them with the best opportunities. So how can I apply the "fear not" mentality to my classroom technology use? I think it's all in the attitude. Regardless of what technologies I have, I need to be as familiar with them as possible. Instead of whining about what I don't have, focus on what I do have. Learn how I can use my tools to their potential, and constantly open myself up for new experiences.

These are also my goals. As I move forward in my education, I hope to learn new techniques and technologies to use in my classroom. I want my students to be prepared for the future, and I want them to look back on their time in my classroom with fondness and a sense of "Oh, I remember when we did that!" As we are thrown into the 21st century, I hope to light a fire under my students that cannot be extinguished!

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